Lucia Sanromán 2020
Photo: Yvonne VenegasLucía Sanromán
Lucía Sanromán is the Director of the Laboratorio de Arte Alameda, the premier experimental kunsthalle in Mexico City where since joining in March 2018 she has implemented a program that balances experimentation with social commitment to local neighborhood ecologies and dynamics through programs and exhibitions, including the recent Escucha profunda: prácticas hacia el mundo al revés {Yutsil, María Sosa, Naomi Rincón Gallardo y Fernando Palma Rodríguez} (10/16/2021 to 02/13/2022). Previous to this she joined Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, as director of visual arts in October 2015, and became YBCA curator at large in September 2018. Under the program title Changing the Ratio she organized at YBCA a series of survey exhibitions of key women artists who are also pioneers of socially-engaged practice: Tania Bruguera: Talking to Power / Ha-blándole al Poder (2017, co-curated with Susie Kantor), Futurefarmers: Out of Place, in Place (2018), and Suzanne Lacy: We Are Here (2019, co-organized with SFMOMA curators Rudolf Frieling and Dominic Willsdon). In addition, she curated a series of exhibitions titled The City Initiative featuring architects, designers, planners, and artists creating pro-vocative work in the urban environment responding to civic urgencies.