Collaborating individuals and organizations devote their resources and expertise to ensure that the MCA fulfills its potential as a cultural leader, benefitting the Chicago community and art lovers around the world. The friends profiled here are a small sampling of what we envision this page to be: a compilation of every individual and organization we are proud to work with.
Featured Images

Our neighborhood group, the Streeterville Organization of Active Residents (SOAR), meets in Goshka Macuga's The Nature of the Beast, Jan 30, 2013
Photo: Nathan Keay © MCA Chicago
Every Tuesday, June through October, vendors gather on the MCA's plaza for a farmers' market organized by our neighborhood organization SOAR
Photo © MCA ChicagoList
- A
- Abernathy, Amanda
- Albright, Tobey
- Allison, Matti
- Anderson, Lindsey
- Anderson, Mikey
- Aparicio, Selva
- Ativie, Isi Frank
- Avila, Ell
- B
- Bahram, Sina
- Bartosik, Andrea
- Basar, Shumon
- Blackwell, Joshua
- Branda, Charlie
- Breckenridge Barrett, Anne
- Bridges, Steven L.
- Briggs, Jonathyne
- Brosseau, Ryan
- Burman, Sam
- Byler, Matthew
- C
- Cabeen, Phill
- Cape, Brad
- Carrasquilla-Vallejo, Maria
- Carver, Antonia
- Casso, Isabel
- Celizna, Tomáš
- Choi, Harry C. H.
- Christian, Aymar Jean
- Christovale, Erin
- Chu, Ellen
- Chun, Susan
- Conte, Lorenzo
- Crawford, Romi
- Crockett, Vivian
- Croft, Kyle
- Cursach, Yolanda Cesta
- F
- Farshchi, Kamila
- Fattore, Nicholas
- Fernández, Mariana
- Fracareta, Dylan
- Fraser, Patricia
- Froats, Leah
- Furnweger, Karen
- G
- Gabriel, Diana
- Gallaugher, Emily
- George, Amir
- Gipson, Leah Ra’chel
- Goley, Pat
- Gray, Meridith
- Green, Michael
- Grosspietsch, Sarah
- Grube, Jeff
- L
- Laemle, Molly
- Lange, Elyssa
- Lavatelli, Anna Chiaretta
- LeMaster, Christy
- Lee, Lisa Yun
- Lin, Dorothy
- Lund, Karsten
- López, Analú Maria
- M
- Majumdar, Sheila
- Manuel, Becky
- Margasak, Peter
- Martin, Brad
- Martin, James
- Matson, Erin
- McGuinness, Billy
- McKinnon, Elijah
- McNeil, Joanne
- Meisinger, Ann
- Melcher, Gabriel
- Meyerowitz, Lisa
- Millmore, Mark
- Morvis, Georgie
- Musich, Susan
- P
- Pak, Margaret
- Pedro y Juana
- Pendzich, Lexi
- Praepipatmongkol, Chanon Kenji
- Puetz, Michelle
- Pyzik, Kelly
- R
- Reese, Lauren
- Reyes, Andrew
- Reyes, Marissa
- Rich, John
- Roelstraete, Dieter
- Rollins, Trillis
- Rooney, Kathleen
- Rosenberg, Bonnie
- Ross, Lydia
- S
- Sanromán, Lucía
- Sheldon, Jared
- Shoup, Alexander
- Skalitzky, CPA, Richard
- Stephens, Christina
- Stone, Donna and Howard
- Stosuy, Brandon
- Su, Myra
- Sylva, Ria
- U
- V
- W
- Wade, Sarah
- Walaszek, Anne
- Walczek, Ken
- Wallers, Christine
- Walton, Peter
- Warren, Lynne
- Watkins, Lauren
- Weininger, Susan
- Wexelblatt, Nina
- Widholm, Julie Rodrigues
- Willis, Tara Aisha
- Wilner, Bryce
- Wynter, Marguerite
- X
- Y
- _