Sharon Johnston and Mark Lee
Photo: Eric StaudenmaierJohnston Marklee
Johnston Marklee is a Los Angeles–based architectural firm founded in 1998. The firm has received numerous awards—among them Progressive Architecture Design Awards, an American Architecture Award, and an AR Award for Emerging Architecture—and is highly regarded by many preeminent architects and designers. The firm’s cofounders and principals, Sharon Johnston and Mark Lee, are active within the architectural education community. They both teach at the Harvard Graduate School of Design and lecture regularly at other national and international universities. The research they conduct as a part of their teaching practice is also a key component of their design practice. They often collaborate with other creative professionals—artists, designers, writers, and photographers—to conceptualize and develop each project they undertake as fully as possible.
Some of their current clients include the UCLA Graduate Art Program in Culver City, California; DEPART Foundation in Grottaferrata, Italy; and Chile House/META, a community arts center in Penco, Chile. Johnston and Lee were also recently named the artistic directors of the 2017 Chicago Architectural Biennial.
To learn more about the firm or its principals, visit johnstonmarklee.com