Phongtorn Phongluantum

Box Office Manager
Visitor Services
Armory Club Questionnaire
What was the first exhibition/performance you saw at the MCA?
A Primal Spirit: Ten Contemporary Japanese Sculptors
What was the first job you held at the MCA?
What is your favorite MCA memory?
A Miracle at Mies Van Der Rohe Way. A French visitor was crying when she realized that she left her purse in a taxi. I told her that I can at least accompany her to the French consulate by bus. It was rather late in the afternoon—we had been waiting for more than five minutes—so I decided to call a taxi in front of the plaza urging the cab driver to drive with speed so that we could make it to the consulate before it is closed. And you know what, it was the same taxi driver who dropped her off earlier. He was a devout Muslim who was hovering around our museum for at least half an hour hoping to find this passenger. Sometimes, a miracle can happen somewhere, and that day, it was at the MCA.