Tuesdays on the Terrace Mike Reed with Special Guests
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Mike Reed
Photo: Ken WeisSummer Tuesdays come alive on the MCA’s Anne and John Kern Terrace Garden with free music highlighting artists from Chicago’s internationally renowned jazz community. Acclaimed percussionist Mike Reed plays two sets with special guests Tim Stine on guitar and Jason Roebke on bass.
About the Artist
Mike Reed (b. Bielefeld, Germany, 1974) is a musician, composer, bandleader, and arts presenter based in Chicago. Over the last two decades he has emerged as a dominant force within Chicago's diverse artistic community both through the music he makes and the live events he produces. In addition to leading or coleading
several working bands, all rooted deeply in jazz and improvised music, he’s the founding director of the Pitchfork Music Festival, the current programming chair of the Chicago Jazz Festival, and the owner and director of the acclaimed performing arts venue Constellation. He is a devoted cultural advocate committed to providing platforms for artistic expression unhindered by commercial pressures. In 2016, he also became the owner of the Hungry Brain, a cozy neighborhood tavern that’s been a fulcrum for live creative music and socially driven public programs.
WDCB 90.9 is the Media Sponsor of Tuesdays on the Terrace.
Tuesdays on the Terrace is made possible in part by a generous gift from Luminarts Cultural Foundation, supported by Cherilyn and Michael Murer.