Tuesdays on the Terrace Alexander/McLean Project
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Vocalist Dee Alexander.
Photo: Raymond MaysSummer Tuesdays come alive on the MCA’s Anne and John Kern Terrace Garden with free music highlighting artists from Chicago’s internationally renowned jazz community. Powerhouse vocalist Dee Alexander kicks off the season with a multi-genre selection of jazz tunes.
About the Artist
Born on Chicago's west side, Dee Alexander is one of Chicago's most gifted and respected female vocalists and songwriters. Her talents span every music genre, from gospel to R&B to blues to neo-soul. Yet her true heart and soul are experienced in their purest form through her performance of jazz music. From a soft, sultry ballad to a scat-filled romp, Alexander delivers each style with a passion for music that comes across in every note, and a grace that is truly her own. Growing up in a household that was steeped in recordings of Dinah Washington, Alexander names Sarah Vaughan and Ella Fitzgerald among her major influences, as well as Chicago saxophonist Henry Huff, who encouraged her to take risks and cross boundaries thus setting her on the path to becoming one of the most accomplished voice improvisers in the world today.
WDCB 90.9 is the Media Sponsor of Tuesdays on the Terrace.
Tuesdays on the Terrace is made possible in part by a generous gift from Luminarts Cultural Foundation, supported by Cherilyn and Michael Murer.

Please note that due to construction, capacity for this performance is limited.