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Veritable Vagaries for Variety

by Jesse Malmed

by Alexander Bradley Cohen

by Alberto Aguilar

In advance of their variety show at the MCA tomorrow evening, MCA (Malmed, Cohen, and Aguilar) of Worldplay presents three musings and 30 images to prepare show goers for the spirit of the event. The festivities begin at 6 pm. Be t/here or be □.


The world is a variety store. Options are overbearing. Heavy on our minds. Come take a load off. Come for a variety you don’t have to choose.

Have variety given to you. 24 hours of variety condensed into 2. Come help Jesse, Alex, and Alberto find the 22 missing hours of variety.

gloves clapping gloves clapping gloves clapping gloves clapping gloves clapping gloves clapping

  • gesturing shakespeare
  • painter
  • moon walk
  • Aguilar

    Welcome all, all are welcomed; free and open to the public if you enter through the back door. Just pour yourself a drink from the bottle and lift your glass to this place, this space. A space where anything goes and everyone knows. Welcome to the all-knowing bottle that calls to be rubbed.