Halloween Screams from the MCA Store
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Our MCA Store staff picked out a few of their top objects, perfect for the witching hour, or any time you feel like trick or treating yourself.

on the funny-side up egg mold
Start your Halloween fun before the witching hour with The Funny Side Up Egg Mold. All you need is a frying pan and two eggs and voila! You have the perfect dish for a spooky brunch with your friends (mimosas not included).

on the inflatable scream
In Edvard Munch’s own words:
"I was walking along the road with two friends – the sun was setting – suddenly the sky turned blood red – I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned on the fence – there was blood and tongues of fire above the blue-black fjord and the city – my friends walked on, and I stood there trembling with anxiety – and I sensed an infinite scream passing through nature."
For when you’re feeling nature’s infinite scream, facing down the abyss, or just want a little sophisticated kitsch and spookiness, the Inflatable Scream is perfect.
on the inflatable scream
As far as I’m concerned, one can never have enough screams at Halloween . . . or at any time really. Consider the impending election. Doesn’t that deserve a nice scream or two or twelve?
What I love best about the Inflatable Scream is that I know where my air is. After inflating a few of them, and giving them names (Doris, BooBoo, Spike, etc.) I always feel a great sense of accomplishment; and so can you!

Katherine’s Collection’s take on Halloween is pretty great. These specific sculptures are reminiscent of José Guadalupe Posada’s. In his works, Posada makes fun of politicians, specific individuals, and supernatural beings.
These sculptures can be interpreted as everlasting love or greed’s tight grip on society.
—Eddy Del Real