Kerry James Marshall Outtakes

Many hours went into producing the 7 1/2–minute documentary video that has been stopping visitors in their tracks on their way to see the major retrospective Kerry James Marshall. By necessity, some great footage was left on the cutting room floor. Below are four of our favorite clips with the artist, who shares his thoughts on representing the abolitionist Harriet Tubman, the magic of Tupperware, the shades of black he uses to paint his black subjects, and the importance of depicting confident black figures in his work.

Kerry James Marshall explains his decision to paint Harriet Tubman alongside her first husband John Tubman.

Kerry James Marshall reveals a revolutionary tool of the trade.

Kerry James Marshall describes the seven shades of black he uses to paint his nuanced figures.

Kerry James Marshall discusses the lack of self-satisfied black figures throughout the history of art and the importance of filling this void with paintings of confident black figures who are not defined by trauma.