Yan Duyvendak and Omar Ghayatt
Still in Paradise
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Yan Duyvendak and Omar Ghayatt, Still in Paradise, Théâtre Forum Meyrin, 2016
Photo: Pierre AbensurAnnouncement
Please note that the performance on Sunday, April 21 at 2 pm has been canceled.
The seating for this performance is on the floor of the stage, however, some chairs will be made available for those with mobility limitations. If you have any questions regarding the floor seating, please call the Box Office staff at 312-397-4010.
About the series
Still in Paradise and Please, Continue (Hamlet) are designed to be experienced within 10 days.
By presenting the works contiguously, the MCA supports the position of Yan Duyvendak, Roger Bernat, and Omar Ghayatt that there is no theater because theater is everywhere. They refuse to pander to a fiction of actors distinct from the rest of us. Their theater constructs an ephemeral social architecture, isolating its participants and confronting them with the responsibility of having to perform.
These collaborators believe that generalized form becomes a critical tool at the paradoxical crossroads of the crisis of representative democracy, when new modes of interchange and knowledge production—fostered by horizontal technologies that erase the positions of emitter and receiver—contend with the return of fascist fantasies of unmediated access to communal truth.
About the event
About the Performance
Still in Paradise by Yan Duyvendak and Omar Ghayatt—the prologue to Made in Paradise
Ghayatt, who is from Egypt and resides in Bern, envisioned his works with Duyvendak, who is from the Netherlands, to stage their encounters, their doubts, and their differences through a series of scenes that audiences vote for each night. Shared space, time, and dialogue gradually undo preconceived cultural and ideological notions that feed fear and negation.
Still in Paradise is a show of the history of their project itself that reflects, in its own small way, history at large. Since the end of the Arab Spring, nations have degenerated into either stifling dictatorship or war and disintegration. Europe seems to answer only with fear and the erecting of both inner and outer barriers. Unlike its fragments, Still in Paradise's finale cannot be voted for; it is imposed.

Yan Duyvendak and Omar Ghayatt, Still in Paradise, Avignon, 2017
Photo: Agnes Mellon
Yan Duyvendak and Omar Ghayatt, Still in Paradise, Avignon, 2017
Photo: Agnes MellonAccessible Events
FRI, APR 19, 7:30 pm
An optional live audio description is available for patrons who are blind or have low vision. Headsets can be reserved by calling our Box Office at 312-397-4010.
About the Artists
Yan Duyvendak was born in the Netherlands and lives between Geneva and Marseille. Trained at the Ecole Supérieure d'Art Visuel de Genève, he has worked in contemporary performance and live art since 1995. He has produced a chain of creations and performances at venues including Fondation Cartier, Paris; EXIT performing arts festival, Helsinki; Art Unlimited, Art Basel; Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid; Ménagerie de verre, Paris; Vooruit, Ghent; Festival d'Avignon; Theater Spektakel, Zurich; Festival Theaterformen, Hanover; Nouveau Théâtre de Montreuil; Wiener Festwochen; and Foreign Affairs, Berliner Festspielen. He has increasingly become a point of reference in Swiss and European art, and his art underlines in particular how an overwhelming mass of televised, computer, and mental images—as well as our social codes and rituals—thicken the curtain between ourselves and reality. Yet his work never fails to affirm human dignity and show the extent to which it is imperiled by our image-dominated society. His latest creations—Made in Paradise
Omar Ghayatt's early interest in drama, combined with a strong sense for the visual, led him to develop his own characteristic blend of performance art, visual theater, and scenography. In 2003 he received the first state prize for performance art ever awarded in Egypt. He has subsequently performed in France, Bosnia, Turkey, Korea, and Poland. In addition to his travels, he organized a long-term project in Egypt, Sabeel Cairo, to promote performance art. In 2007 Ghayatt traveled to Bern as a resident artist of Pro Helvetia. Ghayatt created Made in Paradise in collaboration with the Swiss artists Yan Duyvendak and Nicole Borgeat in 2008, and the performance has been shown all over Europe, including Theater Spektakel, Zurich, and Temps d'Image, Ferme du Buisson, Marne-la-Vallée. In 2009 Ghayatt received his Master of Scenography from the Zurich University of the Arts, and since 2010 he has been based in the PROGR Cultural Production Centre with support from the city of Bern. He was born in Cairo.

Yan Duyvendak and Omar Ghayatt, Still in Paradise, Delhi, 2018
Photo: Sarang Sena
Yan Duyvendak and Omar Ghayatt, Still in Paradise, Avignon, 2017
Photo: Agnes MellonDownloads