artsmart: I Was Raised on the Internet
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Join us for artsmart, an exclusive after-hours event hosted by a community of young professionals who share a passion for contemporary art and the MCA. Enjoy a private tour of I Was Raised on the Internet, followed by a night of conversation and mingling in the museum.
artsmart chair: Alison Schaffer Bloom
artsmart committee: Torie Conn, Amanda Fraerman, Andrew Fraerman, Harrison Freund, Jason Guo, Olivia Ifergan, JP Liebenson, Jack Lubeznik, Christina Ochs, Oliver Plotkin, Diana Rdzanek, Daniel Schaffer, Jane Seder, Michael Stone, Juliya Talmacheva, McKenzie Thompson, and Julie White
artsmart is made possible with support from the MCA Women’s Board.