MCA Talk: St. Vincent

St. Vincent
Photo: Renata RakshaIn conjunction with David Bowie Is
Musician Annie Clark, who records and performs under the name St. Vincent, joins Chicago-based writer Jessica Hopper in conversation about David Bowie’s influence on her work as a songwriter and performer.
About the Speakers
St. Vincent is the recording project of the extraordinary Annie Clark, who mixes pop balladry, squalling electric guitar, and subtle hints of jazz in her particular, complex compositions. Her self-titled album, released in February 2014, has been recognized as a genuine musical event. After touring around the world, St. Vincent is being hailed as one of the greatest rock bands of today.
Jessica Hopper is the senior editor at Pitchfork and the editor-in-chief of The Pitchfork Review. She is the author of The Girls Guide to Rocking and the forthcoming anthology of her work, The First Collection of Criticism by A Living Female Rock Critic, which is due out Spring 2015.
Generous support for David Bowie Is public programs is provided by Sara Szold.