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Educator Salon: Curriculum as Creative Practice


Photo © MCA Chicago


What’s happening in art, teaching, and learning right now? Join the conversation at MCA Educator Salons. Salons tackle timely pedagogical issues, provide access to provocative speakers, and promote an open exchange among peers and colleagues. This year, Salons will address the theme of Teaching as Creative Practice through a range of lenses. Presentations and dialogue will explore questions that help further our understanding of contemporary pedagogy.

At this Salon, artists and educators Rachel Harper, Avi Lessing, and Jason Lukasik approach the design of curriculum as a creative endeavor with direct parallels to contemporary art. If curriculum is a design for ordering experience, how do contemporary curricularists approach this in a living classroom? How do contemporary art forms help us reach beyond teaching with art and towards a deepened understanding of the art of our own teaching? What happens when the theoretical ideal of the “art of teaching” comes into conflict with the constraints of real classroom life?

NOTE: MCA teacher programs are free for Illinois teachers. Participants receive CPDUs. Vouchers for free parking in the MCA garage are provided pending availability.