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Educator Preview: Goshka Macuga, Exhibit A


Goshka Macuga, The Nature of the Beast, 2009. Installation view, The Bloomberg Commission, Whitechapel Gallery, London 2009. Courtesy of Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York; Kate MacGarry Gallery, London; and Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle, Munich

Photo: Patrick Lears, courtesy Kate MacGarry, London


Want to know what the MCA has to offer educators? Want to be in the know about emerging artists who are shaping cultural discourse today? Attend our Educator Previews to learn about MCA's school and teacher programs, tour new exhibitions with the help of MCA teaching artists, and explore exciting ways to introduce contemporary art to your students. At this month's Preview, explore the new exhibition Goshka Macuga: Exhibit, A with your peers and our Artist Gides.

Goshka Macuga: Exhibit, A is the first survey of work by Polish-born, London-based artist Goshka Macuga (in Polish, the letter c is pronounced “ts”). Macuga's work interweaves two strands that have helped define contemporary art in the last decade: artists' increasing tendency toward historical and archival research and their growing interest in strategies of display and the dialogue between artistic and curatorial practice.

NOTE: MCA teacher programs are free for Illinois teachers. Participants receive CPDUs. Vouchers for free parking in the MCA garage are provided pending availability.