New America: Marc Bamuthi Joseph and Jeff Chang in conversation
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Stephanie Shonekan, Marc Bamuthi Joseph, and Jeff Chan in conversation, Feb 28, 2009
Marc Bamuthi Joseph, leading poet and performer, and renowned writer Jeff Chang, come together for a public conversation about their own creative trajectories and the power of hip-hop to reshape the American and global cultural landscape at this historic moment in US politics. Drawing from their own experiences working for change through youth and community organizing, media justice, culture, the arts, and hip-hop activism, they discuss how a new understanding of American culture is both possible and necessary. Stephanie Shonekan, Black World Studies Director at Columbia College, facilitates this dialogue.
The MCA is presenting Bamuthi's multimedia performance the break/s: a mixtape for the stage on from March 26–28, 2009\. This highly personal multimedia excursion across planet hip-hop draws inspiration from Bamuthi's artistic coming-of-age at the time of hip-hop globalization, and from Chang's seminal book Can’t Stop Won’t Stop.