Musings on Gordon Matta-Clark
event description
Join Judith Kirshner, former MCA curator, and Jane Crawford, Director of the Estate of Gordon Matta-Clark, as they share stories of their experiences working with the artist. Meet in the MCA Atrium.

Gordon Matta-Clark, Cut and taped positives for Circus or The Caribbean Orange, 1978. Color gels, slide positives, and colored tape; 2 1/2 x 5 1/2 in. (6.4 x 13.9 cm). Collection Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, gift of the Estate of Gordon Matta-Clark in honor of the 30th anniversary of Circus or The Caribbean Orange, 2007.18. © 1978 Estate of Gordon Matta-Clark
Photo © MCA ChicagoFunding
This program has been made possible by the generous contributors to the Allen M. Turner Tribute Fund, honoring his past leadership as Chairman of the MCA Board of Trustees.