Family Day: December
event description
Copresented with The Field Museum
The MCA and The Field Museum team up to present a full day of art making, tours, demonstrations, and more at the MCA. Create hands-on art activities, take a family tour, check out a Segway, look for clues in a scavenger hunt, investigate different types of soil and the critters that live in it, and learn more about the Field Museum's _Gregor Mendel: Planting the Seeds of Genetics_. Admission to the MCA is free for families with children 12 and under.
Family Day activities
- Exquisite Animals, 10:30 am–4 pm, main-floor atrium
Ever wondered what would happen if you mixed a goat with a cat? Draw your favorite animals and discover the new creatures they create when you mix them up.
- Gregor Mendel Interpretive Station, 10:30 am–4 pm, education center
Why are some eyes blue or brown? Learn about the father of genetics, and try your hand at predicting eye color by using genetic characteristics, Punnet squares, and the scientific method.
- Harris Loan Boxes, 10:30 am–4 pm, main-floor atrium
From hands-on activities created by Field Museum educators and scientists to portable cases from our collections, discover this wealth of resources. Explore prairie soils, Illinois plants, and animals using our Underground Adventure: Prairie Life experience box.
- Holiday Cheer, 10:30 am–4 pm, Kanter Meeting Center
Add creativity to your gifts this year. Make your own wrapping paper and unique greeting cards to accent the perfect gift.
- Material Drawing, 10:30 am–4 pm, fourth-floor lobby
Draw with pencil, string, and other common items, then watch your drawing change as you re-create it with new materials.
- Snow Sensations, 10:30 am–4 pm, studio 1
Make a snow globe to celebrate the winter or create a paper snowflake to hang in your window.
- Family Tours, noon and 1 pm
Meet our family tour guides in the main-floor atrium for a special tour of The Art of Richard Tuttle and Massive Change: The Future of Global Design.
Be sure to pick a scavenger hunt and enter our raffle too!

Family Day participants, Mar 18, 2006
Photo: Stephanie Foyer © MCA Chicago