Emerge Selections 2020
Featured images

Radcliffe Bailey, Pushman, Pullman, Portage, 2019. Shipping tarps, railroad tracks, and neon; 80 x 80 in. © Radcliffe Bailey.
Courtesy of the artist and Jack Shainman Gallery, New York.
Darío Escobar, Construcción Geométrica No 03, 2012. Wood, iron and paint; 69.7 x 165.8 x 44 in. (177 x 421 x 111 cm).
Courtesy NILS STÆRK, Copenhagen. Photo: Dario Escobar Studio.
Jennie C. Jones, Deep Structure with Ledger Line, 2020. Acoustic diffuser and acrylic on canvas; 2 parts: 48 x 24 in. & 12 x 24 in.
Courtesy of the artist and PATRON Gallery, Chicago. Photo: Pierre Le Hors.ABout the Event
Emerge is an MCA Circle Donor affinity group of art enthusiasts, collectors, and patrons who support the museum in many ways, but most notably in its annual art acquisition. Once a year, this group selects a small number of artworks for consideration. These works are exhibited, a vote is held within the affinity group, and the group collectively funds the purchase of the selected artwork for the MCA. Emerge's intention is to expand the MCA's holdings by selecting artworks by artists not currently represented in the MCA Collection.
This year, in collaboration with the MCA curatorial team, Emerge members proposed works by Radcliffe Bailey (American, b. 1968), Darío Escobar (Guatemalan, b. 1971), and Jennie C. Jones (American, b. 1968). Emerge members cast their final votes at the end of September to determine which of these artworks will be added to the MCA Collection.
Editor’s Note
Like many of our exhibitions in the spring season, Emerge Selections 2020 was interrupted by the 2020 stay-at-home order during the COVID-19 pandemic. Typically, Emerge selects a group of artworks to go on view in April, and that exhibition is open to the public for four weeks or more. Because of the unique circumstances and with the best interest of the health and safety of everyone involved in mind, these works were instead on view during the week of September 20, 2020, for Emerge members only. This web page was made public after that private exhibition.
Artists featured in this event
- Radcliffe Bailey (American, b. 1968)
- Darío Escobar (Guatemalan, b. 1971)
Jennie C. Jones (American, b. 1968)

Marjorie Susman Curatorial Fellow Faye Gleisser discusses one of the works in consideration for acquisition during the final vote, Apr 27, 2016
Photo: Jeremy Lawson © MCA ChicagoEmerge is an MCA Circle Donor affinity group of art enthusiasts, collectors, and art patrons interested in furthering the mission of the MCA.