Siebren Versteeg

Siebren Versteeg, History, 2003. Silicon bronze, velvet, and wood; 44 x 44 x 8 in. (111.8 x 111.8 x 20.3 cm)
Courtesy of the artist and Rhona Hoffman Gallery, ChicagoAbout
Combining popular culture with elements of film, photography, and painting, Siebren Versteeg uses computer technology to integrate live, real-time information culled from television and Internet sources into his work. He examines the influence the mass media has on our perception of time, integrating references to television in a digital projection and sculpture. Being Here, a digital animation, depicts three scenes alternately: the artist sitting in a waiting room; the current day and time, recalling both the notated times from the horror film The Shining (1980) by Stanley Kubrick and the black-and-white paintings by Japanese artist On Kawara of the date he made them; and a television mounted on a wall of the waiting room. The figure in the projection waits for something important to happen while watching a live news feed. Versteeg also appears transfixed between the present and past, as represented by History, a large replica of the History Channel's logo.
Versteeg received a BFA from the School of the Art Institute and is currently pursuing an MFA in Studio Art at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
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