Federico León
Las ideas
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Federico León, Las ideas
Photo: Bea Borgers (KFDA), © Federico LeónAbout
In Las ideas, what seems to be an informal meeting between two friends gradually turns into an intense creative encounter. Sitting at a messy ping-pong table equipped with a desktop computer and projector, two creative collaborators volley ideas back and forth while developing different art projects. They incorporate recordings of rehearsals, materials from other projects, proposals for future works, and spontaneous thoughts, as well as previously discarded ideas into the work.
Performed in the space between reality and fiction, Las ideas reflects the real life–working relationship of writer-director Federico León and collaborator actor Julián Tello, who perform as themselves. The work presents ideas that possibly, but not necessarily, reflect those of León and Tello—everything becoming potential working material as the creative process comes to life.
In Spanish with English supertitles
RUNNING TIME: 60 minutes

Federico León, Las ideas
Photo: Bea Borgers (KFDA) © Federico LeónAbout the Artist
Born in Buenos Aires, Federico León is a prolific writer and director for theater, film, and, increasingly, hybrid forms. His 2014 film, La última película

Federico León, Las ideas
Photo: Ignacio Iasparra © Federico LeónDownloads
Generous support is provided by the Consulate General of Argentina in Chicago.