MCA Screen: Wall Writers
Space is limited. Seating is first come, first served.

CORNBREAD declares he has retired, 1971
Photo used with permission of Philadelphia Inquirer, copyright 2014. All rights reservedevent description
Wall Writers, narrated by legendary filmmaker John Waters, is a documentary film that explores graffiti's eruption into mainstream society during a period of social turmoil in the late 1960s and early 1970s. From graffiti's humble beginnings in 1967 to the first graffiti painting being sold in 1973, Wall Writers reveals the context of the start of a movement that would eventually grow to transform city life, public transit, public art, and ultimately visual art the world over.
Director Roger Gastman introduces the film and signs copies of the companion hardcover book. The signing takes place before the screening at 5 pm.
This program takes place in the Edlis and Neeson Theater on the museum’s first floor. Please note that space for this program is limited due to capacity; seating is first come, first served.
