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Informal Cities Colloquium


On the occasion of the Urban China exhibition, four architecture practitioners and writers share their research on informal developments in cities across the globe and invite audience members to join in the discussion.

The brief presentations offer distinct perspectives on the topic: Alexander Eisenschmidt presents Berlin's strange attraction to the formless; Daniela Fabricius discovers the new formal in the unplanned urbanism of Brazilian favelas; Urban China's Editor-in Chief Jiang Jun reflects on change in metropolitan cities as he compares urban China's growth with Chicago's development; and Jesse LeCavalier describes the informal fallouts of regional strategies by mega-corporations in the US. This program is co-organized and chaired by Alexander Eisenschmidt.


The Antje B. and John J. Jelinek Endowed Lecture and Symposium on Contemporary Art is made possible through a generous gift to the Chicago Contemporary Campaign.