mostrando todo a la vista libros instalación técnica mixta pintura rendimiento fotografía funciona en papel escultura imagen y sonido en movimiento ordenados por artist year title size shuffle < 8 ⧸ 18 > Le General Mechant et Decore (Angry General with Decorations) Baj, Enrico 1961 Le Mur s’en va Kauffman, Craig 1969 Les merveilles de la nature (The Wonders of Nature) Magritte, René 1953 Let There Be Light Jensen, Alfred 1978 Let's Phosphoresce by Intellection #1 Matta (Roberto Matta Echaurren) 1950 Light Bulb Hay, Alex 1964 Light Wrap Hanson, Philip 1975-1976 (like April through October) Bergman, Marie Krane 2005 Little Aviator Lichtenstein, Roy 1968 Loplop Introducing a Bird Ernst, Max 1929-1957 Los Diecisiete Aurelianos (The Seventeen Aurelianos) Ferrer, Rafael 1982 Los Trenes de la Muerto (Train of Death) Ferrer, Rafael 1982 Love Letter to a Violet Berkenblit, Ellen 2015 Lucy Paschke, Ed 1973 M-40 Lostutter, Robert 1971 M.A.S.H. Morley, Malcolm 1978 <M175/413 Prostate blood clot, lightmicrographSPL.jpg> Hirst, Damien 2007 Madre de Perros Smith, Ray 1985-1989 Male and Female Nudes Reclining in the Studio Pearlstein, Philip 1965 Man Under a Cloud Johnson, Lester 1963 Man Watching Dumas, Marlene 2009 Mann am Baum Dahn, Walter 1982 Marie Christine Bergman, Margot 2014 Marina Towers, Chicago Perez, Enoc 2012