mostrando todo a la vista libros instalación técnica mixta pintura rendimiento fotografía funciona en papel escultura imagen y sonido en movimiento ordenados por artist year title size shuffle < 2 ⧸ 7 > bok 2a und bok 2b (gesammelte werke band 3) versionen der im forlag ed reykjavík 1960/61 erschienen bücher [book 2a and book 2b (collected works volume 3) versions of the books published by forlag ed Reykjavik 1960/61] Roth, Dieter 1973 bok 3a (gesammelte werke band 5) weiderkonstruktion des buches aus dem verlag ed 1961 [book 3a (collected works volume 5) reconstruction of the book published by forlag ed 1961] Roth, Dieter 1971 bok 3b und bok 3d (gesammelte werke band 7) Rekonstruktion de rim Verlag forlag ed Reykjavík 1961 erschienenen Bücher [book 3b and book 3d (collected works volume 7) Reconstruction of the books Published by forlag ed, Reykjavík, 1961] Roth, Dieter 1974 bok 3c (gesammelte werke band 6 wiederkonstuktion des buches aus dem verlag forlag ed 1961) [book 3c (collected works volume 6 reconstruction of the book published by forlag ed 1961)] Roth, Dieter 1971 bok 4a und bok 5 (gesammelte werke band 4; versionen de rim forlag ed reykjavík 1961 erschienenen bücher) [book 4a and book 5 (collected works volume 4; versions of the books published by forlag ed reykjavík 1961)] Roth, Dieter 1972 Brick Wall LeWitt, Sol 1977 Business Cards Ruscha, Edward Al Bengston, Billy 1968 Bücher und Grafik (2. Teil) u.a.m. aus den Jahren 1971–1979 (und Nachtragzum 1. Teil) Gesammelte Werke Band 40 [Books and Graphics (Part 2) and other stuff from 1971 until 1979 (including Supplement to part 1) Collected Works Volume 40] Roth, Dieter 1979 Chagny LeWitt, Sol 1984 Chants and Potians Pappas, Sam 1985 Cityscapes/O Books Ruscha, Edward 1997 Cock Fight Dance LeWitt, Sol 1980 Colored People Ruscha, Edward 1972 Coma Kucinski, Jerzy 1985 (Copley Buch) (gesammelte werke band 12) [(Copley Book) (collected works volume 12; enlarged version of the book published by Copley Foundation, Chicago 1965)] Roth, Dieter 1971 (Copley Buch) (gesammelte werke band 12) [(Copley Book) (collected works volume 12; enlarged version of the book published by Copley Foundation, Chicago 1965)] Roth, Dieter 1971 Crackers Ruscha, Edward 1969 Dante's Inferno Rauschenberg, Robert 1964 Dars Wähnen Das Wähnen Band 1 (Tränenmeer 3) [The Vaining The Vaining Volume 1 (Sea of tears 3)] Roth, Dieter 1974 Das TRÄNENMEER band 1 [The SEA OF TEARS volume 1] Roth, Dieter 1973 Das TRÄNENMEER band 2 [The SEA OF TEARS volume 2] Roth, Dieter 1973 Das Weinen (Das Wähnen Band 2A (Tränenmeer 4)) [Crying (The vaining Volume 2A (Sea of tears 4))] Roth, Dieter 1978 Decamericon/Stories from a Black Box Kucinski, Jerzy 1985 Der Tränesee (the Lake of Tears) Roth, Dieter 1973