mostrando todo a la vista libros instalación técnica mixta pintura rendimiento fotografía funciona en papel escultura imagen y sonido en movimiento ordenados por artist year title size shuffle < 44 ⧸ 129 > Iceberg #20, Disko Bay, Greenland Davis, Lynn 1988 Iceberg #21, Disko Bay, Greenland Davis, Lynn 1988 Iceberg #22, Disko Bay, Greenland Davis, Lynn 1988 Iceberg #3, Disko Bay, Greenland Davis, Lynn 1988 Iceberg #4, Disko Bay, Greenland Davis, Lynn 1988 Iceberg #5, Disko Bay, Greenland Davis, Lynn 1988 Iceberg #6, Disko Bay, Greenland Davis, Lynn 1988 Iceberg #7, Disko Bay, Greenland Davis, Lynn 1988 Iceberg #8, Disko Bay, Greenland Davis, Lynn 1988 Iceberg #9, Disko Bay, Greenland Davis, Lynn 1988 Iced (Sculpture for Teenage Boys, Miller) Rob Pruitt Jack temprano 1985-1999 Icefish, Danville, Virginia Gowin, Emmet 1971 Ich kenne mich nicht aus (I am Stumped) Trockel, Rosemarie 1988 Idea II Rosenquist, James 1979 If & (Silk) Gibson, Ralph 1971-1981 Il bagno turco (The Turkish Bath) Pistoletto, Michelangelo 1971 Illinois: 7 people, 1 site, 1986 (2007) Tegeder, Dannielle 2007 Illinois: missing people/police identification numbers (2007) Tegeder, Dannielle 2007 Image 8 W25 Mahmoud, Ben 1980 Immo Althoff, Kai 2004 Immortal Jungles of Despair Kimler, Wesley 1999 Imogen Cunningham Crane, Arnold H. 1971 Impolgy Fine, Jud 1977 In a Cabin in the Woods Durham, Jimmie 2010