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Marc Bamuthi Joseph
the break/s: a mixtape for the stage

Marc Bamuthi Joseph: the break/s

Photo: Bethanie Hines

Poet and performer Marc Bamuthi Joseph conveys the history of the hip-hop generation through his own personal coming-of-age story using verse, dance, and film in this dramatic multimedia performance, a "mixtape for the stage." Joseph collaborates with award-winning author Jeff Chang, whose book Can’t Stop Won’t Stop captures the creation of the hip-hop culture as a local, political, and artistic movement. To embrace the power of improvisation, the sound score and visual projections are mixed in the moment by a DJ and a beatboxer.

*Contains adult content

Running time: 80 minutes, no intermission

Tickets $25, MCA members $20

Marc Bamuthi Joseph the break/s: a mixtape for the stage video still


Marc Bamuthi Joseph, the break/s

Photo: Umi Vaughan



The MCA presentation of the break/s is supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.